
发布于 2023-09-22 01:23:53      浏览 96



1、 parish 2、 音标:英 ['pærɪʃ] 美 ['pærɪʃ] 3、 解释: 4、 n. 教区 5、 地方行政区 6、 助记提示: 7、 1. 易混词注意区分:parish, perish. 8、 2. parish => parochial. 9、 3. 谐音“派你洗”------派你去施洗礼的地方,当然就是教区。因为西方的宗教都有施洗礼的习惯。 10、 4. 谐音“派你袭”-----派你去世袭宗教职位的地方。 11、 5. 谐音“派你施”------派你去布施、施政的地方。 12、 中文词源: 13、 parish 教区,堂区,乡村行政小区来自古法语paroisse,来自拉丁语parochia,来自希腊语paroikia,堂区,教区,来自para-,在旁,在周围,oikos,家,屋子,词源同economy,ecology,diocese.引申词义乡村行政小区。拼写通俗化。 14、 英文词源: 15、 parish 16、 parish: [13] The etymological notion underlying parish is of ‘living nearby’. It comes via Old French paroisse and late Latin parochia (source of English parochial [14]) from late Greek paroikíā. This was a derivative of pároikos ‘living near’, a compound formed from pará ‘beside’ and oikos ‘house’ (source of English economy). 17、 Scholars have not been able to agree on precisely how the idea of ‘living nearby’ became transmuted into that of the ‘parish’: some consider the central concept to be of a ‘community of neighbours’, while others view the ‘near-dweller’ here not as a permanent neighbour but as a temporary ‘sojourner’ or ‘stranger’, an epithet applied to early Christians. 18、 => economy, parochial 19、 parish (n.) 20、 c. 1300, "district with its own church; members of such a church," from Anglo-French paroche, parosse (late 11c.), Old French paroisse, from Late Latin parochia "a diocese," alteration of Late Greek paroikia "a diocese or parish," from paroikos "a sojourner" (in Christian writers), in classical Greek, "neighbor," from para- "near" (see para- (1)) + oikos "house" (see villa). 21、 Sense development unclear, perhaps from "sojourner" as epithet of early Christians as spiritual sojourners in the material world. In early Church writing the word was used in a more general sense than Greek dioikesis, though by 13c. they were synonymous. Replaced Old English preostscyr, literally "priest-shire." 22、 双语例句: 23、 1. Parish priests have referred to it in their sermons. 24、 堂区牧师在布道中提到了它。 25、 来自柯林斯例句 26、 2. His superiors moved him to another parish. 27、 上级把他派往另一个教区。 28、 来自柯林斯例句 29、 3. The priest visited all the old people in the parish. 30、 牧师探望了教区里的所有老人. 31、 来自《简明英汉词典》 32、 4. A memorial service was held yesterday at Wadhurst Parish Church. The Rev Michael Inch officiated. 33、 昨天,悼念仪式在沃德赫斯特堂区教堂举行,迈克尔·英奇牧师担任主持。 34、 来自柯林斯例句 35、 5. He became a rector of a small parish where he ministered for several years. 36、 他成为一个小教区的教区牧师,在那里主事了几年圣事. 37、 来自《简明英汉词典》 38、 更多相关例句: 39、 Parish priests have referred to it in their sermons. 40、 堂区牧师在布道中提到了它。【柯林斯例句】 41、 The priest visited all the old people in the parish. 42、 牧师探望了教区里的所有老人.【《简明英汉词典》】 43、 A memorial service was held yesterday at Wadhurst Parish Church. The Rev Michael Inch officiated. 44、 昨天,悼念仪式在沃德赫斯特堂区教堂举行,迈克尔·英奇牧师担任主持。【柯林斯例句】 45、 The Holy Family Church was closed and the parish now celebrates mass in this simple side chapel. 46、 圣家堂关闭了,现在该教区的居民在它旁边的简陋的小教堂里做弥撒。【柯林斯例句】 47、 Every parish was named after a saint. 48、 每个教区都以某位圣徒的名字命名。【辞典例句】 49、 I'll discover the parish of that parishioner. 50、 我会找到这个教民所属的教区。【辞典例句】 51、 He was a warden at the local parish church. 52、 他是本地教区教堂的管理员。【辞典例句】 53、 He was wedded already to his books and his parish. 54、 他早已同他的书本和教区结了不解之缘.【辞典例句】 55、 The main source for family reconstitution is the parish register. 56、 重新构画家庭的主要资料来源是教区的记事录.【辞典例句】 57、 People served a spaghetti supper in the parish house. 58、 人们在教堂交谊厅吃意大利面晚餐.【辞典例句】 59、 Municipal town and rural parish gradually made fresh threads of connection. 60、 城市和乡村逐渐形成了千丝万缕的新关系.【辞典例句】 61、 The parish has welcomed the new vicar with open arms. 62、 教区居民双手欢迎新来的牧师.【辞典例句】 63、 We must notify the parish. 64、 咱们得通知教区.【辞典例句】 65、 He really seemed to look upon himself as the most important person in the parish. 66、 他那个派头,俨然整个教区首屈一指的人物了.【辞典例句】 67、 The parish priest is someone to whom people can turn in difficult times. 68、 牧区牧师是人们在困难时可以求助的人.【辞典例句】

上一篇:Paris的翻译与解释是什么 下一篇:parishioner的翻译与解释是什么


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