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1、 lengthy 2、 音标:英 ['leŋθɪ; 'leŋkθɪ] 美 ['lɛŋθi] 3、 解释: 4、 adj. 漫长的,冗长的;啰唆的 5、 中文词源: 6、 lengthy 冗长的来自length,长度,引申词义冗长的。 7、 英文词源: 8、 lengthy (adj.) 9、 1759, American English, from length + -y (2). Until c. 1840 always characterized in British English as an Americanism. This word has been very common among us, both in writing and in the language of conversation; but it has been so much ridiculed by Americans as well as Englishmen, that in writing it is now generally avoided. Mr. Webster has admitted it into his dictionary; but as need hardly be remarked it is not in any of the English ones. It is applied by us, as Mr. Webster justly observes, chiefly to writings or discourses. Thus we say, a lengthy pamphlet, a lengthy sermon, &c. The English would say, a long or (in the more familiar style) a longish sermon. [John Pickering, "A Vocabulary, or Collection of Words and Phrases Which Have Been Supposed to be Peculiar to the United States of America," Boston, 1816] 10、 Related: Lengthily; lengthiness. 11、 双语例句: 12、 1. No mammals other than people may enter the country without lengthy quarantine. 13、 除人之外,所有的哺乳动物进入这个国家都必须经过长期隔离。 14、 来自柯林斯例句 15、 2. There is a lengthy article on Spike Milligan in the Observer newspaper. 16、 《观察家报》上有一篇关于斯派克·米利根的长篇文章。 17、 来自柯林斯例句 18、 3. Gates responds with a lengthy discourse on deployment strategy. 19、 盖茨以一篇有关部署策略的鸿篇大论予以回应。 20、 来自柯林斯例句 21、 4. This is not the place for a lengthy discussion. 22、 这会儿不是讨论个没完的时候。 23、 来自柯林斯例句 24、 5. The last stop in Mr Cook's lengthy tour was Paris. 25、 库克先生漫长旅程中的最后一站是巴黎。 26、 来自柯林斯例句 27、 更多相关例句: 28、 lengthy delays 29、 多次长时间拖延【牛津词典】 30、 the lengthy process of obtaining a visa 31、 获得签证的漫长过程【牛津词典】 32、 a lengthy explanation 33、 冗长的解释【牛津词典】 34、 ...a lengthy meeting. 35、 冗长的会议【柯林斯高阶英语词典】 36、 ...the lengthy process of filling out passport application forms. 37、 填写护照申请表的漫长过程【柯林斯高阶英语词典】 38、 ...a lengthy report from the Council of Ministers... 39、 部长会议发布的冗长报告【柯林斯高阶英语词典】 40、 There is a lengthy article on Spike Milligan in the Observer newspaper. 41、 《观察家报》上有一篇关于斯派克·米利根的长篇文章。【柯林斯高阶英语词典】 42、 A settlement was reached after lengthy negotiations. 43、 经过长时间的谈判而达成协议.【辞典例句】 44、 A solution may require lengthy negotiations. 45、 而解决之道也许需要长期协商谈判.【期刊摘选】 46、 Caption: Mr. Jobs was greeted with a standing ovation and lengthy applause by the crowd. 47、 描述: 会场听众起立并长时间鼓掌,欢迎乔布斯归来.【期刊摘选】 48、 They'll also get Chris Mihm back shortly from his lengthy bout with a balky ankle. 49、 在不久的未来,湖人还将迎来许久因膝伤缺席的米姆.【期刊摘选】 50、 People were deterred from taking legal action because it was expensive and lengthy. 51、 普罗大众都不敢诉诸法律行动,因为这既昂贵又耗时.【期刊摘选】 52、 Some changes have a lengthy process of whittling down barriers to equal treatment. 53、 有的变化是一个长期的,消除平等障碍的过程.【期刊摘选】 54、 Plasmas have shown themselves to be very resourceful at avoiding lengthy confinement. 55、 等离子体本身在避免长度约束方面表现得很灵活多样.【辞典例句】 56、 Without substantive talks, a lengthy and disruptive stalemate on the streets of Bangkok appears likely. 57、 在没有实质性谈判的情况下, 曼谷街头可能会陷入漫长而引发动荡的僵局.【期刊摘选】 58、 We devoted a lengthy and full discussion to this topic. 59、 我们对这个题目进行了长时间的充分讨论.【《简明英汉词典》】 60、 This issue is so large and the process was so lengthy. 61、 这个问题如此广泛,过程又如此漫长.【辞典例句】 62、 Gondin sized the new comer up with a lengthy stare, thrust out a heavy jaw. 63、 冈定长久地凝视这个来客,把他仔细打量了一番, 接着翘起沉重的下颚.【辞典例句】 64、 Baekeland and Hartmann report that these young men had been lengthy sleeps since childhood. 65、 贝克尔和哈特曼报道说,这些年轻人从小的,有抱负的睡眠就一直很长.【期刊摘选】 66、 Only after lengthy lie cell imaging and biochemical studies it became clear how neutrophils make NETs. 67、 中性粒细胞如何“织网”,看来只有通过冗长的活细胞成像和生化研究之后才能弄清楚.【期刊摘选】 68、 These trade terms consisted of short abbreviations for lengthy contract provisions. 69、 这些贸易术语由代表冗长合同条款的简短缩写构成.【期刊摘选】 70、 The professor wrote a lengthy book on Napoleon. 71、 教授写了一部有关拿破仑的巨著.【《简明英汉词典》】 72、 She doesn't want to engage in lengthy conversations. 73、 她不想参与冗长的谈话.【期刊摘选】 74、 The athlete could face a lengthy period of suspension if found guilty. 75、 如果被判有罪,这名运动员可能面临长期停赛.【《简明英汉词典》】 76、 After lengthy talks the two sides finally reached a compromise . 77、 双方经过长期的商谈终于达成了妥协。【《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》】 78、 the lengthy process of obtaining a visa 79、 获得签证的漫长过程【《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》】 80、 Graham Fletcher was unimpressed with the idea of filling in a lengthy questionnaire. 81、 格雷厄姆·弗莱彻对填写冗长的调查问卷这种事没什么兴趣。【柯林斯例句】 82、 The major components of our energy systems, such as fuel production, refining, electrical generation and distribution, are costly installation that have lengthy life spans.【出自-2015年12月阅读原文】 83、 Then you had a few companies involved, but not one of the largest companies in the world coming out with a lengthy and impassioned post, like we saw yesterday from timothy Cook.【2017年12月六级真题(第三套)阅读 Section B】 84、 Perhaps willfully , it may be easier to think about such lengthy timescales than about the more immediate future.【出自-2013年考研阅读原文】 85、 Perhaps willfully, it may be easier to think about such lengthy timescales than about the more immediate future.【2013年考研真题(英语一)阅读理解 Section Ⅱ】 86、 There are a number of approaches to mastering the art of deep work—be it lengthy retreats dedicated to a specific task; developing a daily ritual; or taking a "journalistic" approach to seizing moments of deep work when you can throughout the day.【2018年考研真题(英语二)阅读理解 Section Ⅱ】

上一篇:lengthwise的翻译与解释是什么 下一篇:lenience的翻译与解释是什么


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