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1、 duodenum 2、 音标:英 [,djuːə'diːnəm] 美 ['dʊə'dinəm] 3、 解释: 4、 n. [解剖] 十二指肠 5、 中文词源: 6、 duodenum 十二指肠来自拉丁语duodenum digitorium, 十二指肠。duodenum, 十二,来自duo, 二,-denum, 十,digitorium, 指。因其长度约略为十二根手指宽度而得名。 7、 英文词源: 8、 duodenum 9、 duodenum: [14] The term duodenum, for the first part of the small intestine, originated as a measure of length. It comes from the medieval Latin phrase intestinum duodēnum digitōrum ‘intestine of twelve digits’ – that is, twelve finger-breadths long, or just over 20 centimetres. Latin duodēnī meant literally ‘twelve each’; it was a derivative of duodecim ‘twelve’ (source also of English dozen). 10、 => dozen 11、 duodenum (n.) 12、 late 14c., from Medieval Latin duodenum digitorium "space of twelve digits," from Latin duodeni "twelve each." Coined by Gerard of Cremona (d.1187), who translated "Canon Avicennae," a loan-translation of Greek dodekadaktylon, literally "twelve fingers long," the intestine part so called by Greek physician Herophilus (c. 353-280 B.C.E.) for its length, about equal to the breadth of twelve fingers. 13、 双语例句: 14、 1. The distal duodenum and jejunum remain on the right side of the spine . 15、 远端十二指肠及空肠仍处于脊椎右侧。 16、 来自辞典例句 17、 2. This juice - about a quart a day -- pours into my duodenum, neutralizing acids. 18、 这种消化液(每天约分泌1品脱)流入我的十二指肠, 把酸中和了. 19、 来自辞典例句 20、 3. After the colon, the duodenum is the most common site for diverticulum. 21、 继结肠源, 十二指肠是憩室最多见的部位. 22、 来自辞典例句 23、 4. The stomach and duodenum may be considered logically as a unit. 24、 胃和十二指肠可逻辑地考虑为一个单元. 25、 来自辞典例句 26、 5. My duodenum produces a substance called secretion, which empties into Joe's bloodstream. 27、 我的十二指肠生产一种名叫分泌素的物质, 排入乔的血流. 28、 来自辞典例句 29、 更多相关例句: 30、 a duodenal ulcer 31、 十二指肠溃疡【牛津词典】 32、 Upper gastrointestinal series and computed tomography the abdomen a tumor within the duodenum. 33、 上肠胃道摄影及腹部计算机断层摄影均显示此肿瘤位于十二指肠.【期刊摘选】 34、 Seen here is a penetrating acute ulceration in the duodenum just beyond the pylorus. 35、 图示刚超过幽门部的十二指肠的溃疡.【期刊摘选】 36、 Of disease, skin diseases, bad breath, dry mouth, constipation, duodenum, digestive system and effective. 37、 对牙周病 、 皮肤病 、 口臭 、 口乾 、 便秘 、 十二指肠 、 消化系统也有效.【期刊摘选】 38、 Objective To discuss management and early preventive methods for distal choledoch duodenum fistulas. 39、 目的探讨胆总管下端十二指肠瘘的早期诊断、治疗与预防方法.【期刊摘选】 40、 Conclusion TFD facilitates the motility of stomach, duodenum and ileum. 41、 结论:通腑汤对胃 、 十二指肠乃至回肠均有较好的促动力作用.【期刊摘选】 42、 The distal duodenum and jejunum remain on the right side of the spine. 43、 远端十二指肠及空肠仍处于脊椎右侧.【辞典例句】 44、 After the colon, the duodenum is the most common site for diverticulum. 45、 继结肠源, 十二指肠是憩室最多见的部位.【辞典例句】 46、 Traumatic intramural hematoma of the duodenum is a rare entity in children. 47、 摘要外伤性十二指肠血肿是一种在儿童时期罕见的病症.【期刊摘选】 48、 Bile is introduced into the duodenum by the bile duct. 49、 胆汁是通过胆道进入十二指肠的.【期刊摘选】 50、 Only two foreign bodies ( button batteries ) in the duodenum could not be removed successfully by endoscopy. 51、 只有两个异物 ( 钮扣型电池 ) 位于十二指肠无法由内视镜成功取出.【期刊摘选】 52、 What is the dietary requirement of stomach and duodenum ulcer patient? 53、 胃和十二指肠溃疡患者的饮食要求是什么?【期刊摘选】 54、 My duodenum produces a substance called secretion, which empties into Joe's bloodstream. 55、 我的十二指肠生产一种名叫分泌素的物质, 排入乔的血流.【辞典例句】 56、 The secretes digestive juices , or enzymes, into the duodenum through a tube called the pancreatic duct. 57、 胰酶与胆汁一起消化食物.胰腺还可以释放胰岛素和胰高血糖素等激素进入血液中.【期刊摘选】 58、 The function in duodenum was the strongest, the next was jejunum and ileum the last. 59、 不同肠段对各种化学药物的作用存在著差异,一般十二指肠作用最强, 空肠次之,回肠最差.【期刊摘选】 60、 The first portion of the duodenum ( duodenal bulb ) is at the far right. 61、 十二指肠的起始段 ( 十二指肠球部 ) 在右边较远处.【期刊摘选】 62、 Note arthritis, cervical spondylosis, duodenum, gastritis , paying particular attention to urological and gynecological diseases. 63、 注意关节炎, 颈椎病, 十二指肠, 胃炎, 尤其要注意泌尿系统和妇科疾病.【期刊摘选】 64、 The result is a ring of pancreatic tissue around the duodenum that can lead to complications. 65、 其结果导致一个环形的胰腺组织包绕十二指肠,并且可以导致梗阻.【期刊摘选】 66、 Objective To explore the display rate of barium meal applied on ulceration of duodenum. 67、 目的:探讨不同体位钡餐造影对于十二指肠溃疡的显示率.【期刊摘选】 68、 Objective To investigate the effect of Qingrehuazhi granule on duodenum myoelectric activity. 69、 目的探讨清热化滞颗粒对十二指肠肌电活动的影响.【期刊摘选】 70、 Upper gastrointestinal series and computed tomography of the abdomen also confirmed a tumor within the duodenum. 71、 上肠胃道摄影及腹部电脑断层摄影均显示此肿瘤位于十二指肠.【期刊摘选】 72、 Diagnosis: Liver and duodenum's tumors resection . Liver angiomyolipoma. Duodenum gastrointestinal stromal tumor ( GIST ) malignant degree lower. 73、 诊断: 肝血管平滑肌脂肪瘤. 十二指肠 胃肠 间质瘤,恶性度低.【期刊摘选】 74、 Annular pancreas refers to pancreatic tissue enveloping primarily the descending duodenum. 75、 环状胰腺是指胰腺组织环绕十二指肠降段.【期刊摘选】 76、 The distal duodenum and jejunum remain on the right side of the spine . 77、 远端十二指肠及空肠仍处于脊椎右侧。【辞典例句】

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