
发布于 2023-09-21 22:45:33      浏览 89



1、 parenchyma 2、 音标:英 [pə'reŋkɪmə] 美 [pə'rɛŋkɪmə] 3、 解释: 4、 n. [组织] 实质;软细胞组织 5、 英文词源: 6、 parenchyma (n.) 7、 1650s, Modern Latin, from Greek parenkhyma "something poured in beside," from para- "beside" (see para- (1)) + enkhyma "infusion," from en- "in" + khein "to pour" (see found (v.2)). In ancient physiology, the stuff that was supposed to make up the liver, lungs, etc., which was believed to be formed from blood strained through the capillaries and congealed. 8、 双语例句: 9、 1. A rim of thyroid parenchyma is seen at the left. 10、 在左边可见模糊的甲状腺实质边缘。 11、 来自辞典例句 12、 2. The mesophyll consists of two layers of palisade parenchyma. 13、 叶肉是由两层栅栏薄壁组织组成. 14、 来自辞典例句 15、 3. Within the epidermis develops a ring of parenchyma cells, the cortex. 16、 在表皮细胞内有一个质壁细胞环, 即皮层. 17、 来自辞典例句 18、 4. Secondary xylem consists of pitted vessels, parenchyma fibers and rays. 19、 次生木质部由孔纹导管 、 薄壁组织及射线所组成. 20、 来自辞典例句 21、 5. Parenchyma cells are widely distributed throughout plants. 22、 薄壁组织细胞广泛地分布于整个植株. 23、 来自辞典例句 24、 更多相关例句: 25、 A rim of thyroid parenchyma is seen at the left. 26、 在左边可见模糊的甲状腺实质边缘。【辞典例句】 27、 The mesophyll consists of two layers of palisade parenchyma. 28、 叶肉是由两层栅栏薄壁组织组成.【辞典例句】 29、 Secondary xylem consists of pitted vessels, parenchyma fibers and rays. 30、 次生木质部由孔纹导管 、 薄壁组织及射线所组成.【辞典例句】 31、 Parenchyma cells are widely distributed throughout plants. 32、 薄壁组织细胞广泛地分布于整个植株.【辞典例句】 33、 Lung abscess is a suppurative infection of the lung resulting in destruction of lung parenchyma. 34、 肺脓肿是肺部的一种化脓性感染,导致肺实质的破坏.【辞典例句】 35、 Cortex and other cerebral parenchyma also had multiple abnormal nodular with calcification. 36、 其余脑实质及皮层下亦可见散在结节状和片状异常信号,合并有钙化.【互联网】 37、 It may be a preferable treatment modality for preserving functioning renal parenchyma. 38、 对于保留功能性的肾脏实质而言,肾脏保留手术可能是一种较佳的治疗方式.【互联网】 39、 Necrosis of liver parenchyma was observed both grossly and histologically. 40、 肝实质的坏疽看起来粗而且具有组织性.【互联网】 41、 Methods : Utilize the naprapathy to cure palm joint parenchyma trauma. 42、 方法 利用推拿揉捏等方法治疗掌指关节损伤200例.【互联网】 43、 Horseradish peroxidase labelled cells distributed in the parenchyma of the pineal gland. 44、 辣根过氧化物酶的神经细胞数量较多,散在于松果体实质内.【互联网】 45、 There may be neutrophil infiltration of the cerebral parenchyma. 46、 脑实质中可见大量中性粒细胞浸润.【互联网】 47、 It is formed when parenchyma cells resume meristematic activity. 48、 它由恢复分裂能力的薄壁细胞组成.【互联网】 49、 Objective To explore the clinical features of germinoma arising from brain parenchyma. 50、 目的探讨脑实质内生殖细胞瘤的特点.【互联网】 51、 A rim of slightly darker thyroid parenchyma is seen at the left. 52、 在左边可见模糊的甲状腺实质边缘.【互联网】 53、 Objective : To study the best surgical treatment of parenchyma defect on hand. 54、 目的: 探讨手部软组织缺损最佳手术方法.【互联网】

上一篇:paregoric的翻译与解释是什么 下一篇:parent的翻译与解释是什么


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